欢迎您使用爱加健康的服务。在使用爱加健康的服务前,请您务必仔细阅读本《服务协议》,充分理解各条款内容,特别是免除或者限制责任的条款、法律适用和争议解决条款。如您未满18周岁,或其他形式非完全民事行为能力人,请在监护人的陪同下阅读本协议。若您在注册程序过程中点击“我已阅读并同意 《服务协议》”按钮即视为您已了解并完全同意《服务协议》各项条款内容,包括爱加健康对《服务协议》随时所做的任何修改及在APP客户端公布的政策、规定、公示等。
1.1 爱加健康提供用户注册。您的帐号和密码由您自行保管;您应当向爱加健康提供真实、准确的个人资料,以完成实名认证,您应确保开通爱加健康服务所提供的姓名和身份证号等信息为本人所有,如个人资料有任何变动,您须及时予以更新。您应当对以您的帐号进行的所有活动和事件负法律责任。
1.2 您注册时,在账号名称、头像和简介等注册信息中不得出现违法和不良信息,否则爱加健康有权拒绝提供服务,并删除该账号。
1.3 如有必要,爱加健康有权采取合理方式对您提供的姓名和身份证号等信息的真实性和有效性进行认证,并仅对通过认证的用户提供相应服务。您未能通过身份认证的,爱加健康有权停止服务并将网页认证关联信息删除。
2.1 爱加健康的具体服务内容由爱加健康经营者根据实际情况提供,爱加健康经营者保留随时变更、中断或终止部分或全部网络服务的权利。
2.2 爱加健康APP客户端上的服务价格、服务时效、能否提供等信息随时都有可能发生变动,爱加健康不作特别通知。在您提供服务时,请您仔细确认提供服务的名称、价格、数量、说明、注意事项等信息。
2.3 爱加健康不参与具体诊疗活动,您在爱加健康上获得的答复、读片结论、诊断意见、医疗保健信息等,均不代表爱加健康赞同其观点或证实内容的真实性与准确性,以上信息仅供您和您线下临床医生参考,不能作为您疾病诊断与采取治疗方案的直接依据。
2.4 您对提供的注册资料的真实性和合法性负责,包括医生的身份证、医师资格证、医师执业证等。爱加健康对所有数据与信息在平台传输的及时性、准确性、完整性负责。
2.5 因不可抗力、网络状况、通讯线路、用户自身过错等技术原因,或其他不可控原因导致您不能正常使用爱加健康服务,爱加健康不承担法律责任。
3.1 在选择和购买了爱加健康相应服务后,您有权利永久拥有自己在爱加健康的用户名及密码,并有权利使用自己的用户名及密码随时登陆爱加健康,接受相关服务。
3.2 您不得以任何形式转让或授权他人使用自己的爱加健康用户名,亦不得盗用他人帐号,由以上行为造成的后果由用户自行承担。
3.3 您承诺自己在使用爱加健康时实施的所有行为均遵守国家法律、法规和爱加健康管理规定以及社会公共利益或公共道德。如您违反上述任一规则,导致相应法律后果的发生,您将以自己的名义独立承担所有法律责任。
3.4 您不得将涉及医疗纠纷的问题或其它有责任争议的问题在爱加健康发布,关于医疗纠纷的问题,请另行咨询律师或相关主管部门寻求援助,爱加健康有权将此类信息删除。
3.5 您发现其他用户有违法或违反爱加健康管理规定的行为,可以向爱加健康进行反应要求处理。您因爱加健康展示的内容与其他用户发生纠纷的,司法部门可以要求爱加健康根据法律程序提供该案件所需证据材料。
3.6 您在爱加健康选择提供相应的服务项目后,一旦发出订单并付费成功,爱加健康服务平台将即刻对订单任务包开始相应处理工作,故您的行为不可变更和撤销。除非订单任务包因平台自身的原因无法完成外。
3.7 在您确认提供服务后,即视为您已经接受患者委托,您务必高度配合患者,提供专业的帮助。因提供资料不够及时、不够完整或者不能应要求进行补充等,所有与爱加健康平台无关的原因导致订单任务包无法完成的或产生纠纷的,您将独立承担不利后果。
3.8 您使用爱加健康APP的整个过程中,爱加健康仅提供您向患者提供帮助的平台和机会,因您和患者任何一方导致的任何纠纷均与爱加健康无关。
3.9 请您理解并同意,您使用爱加健康APP的整个过程中产生的收益,平台或平台指定的第三方将根据国家相关规定进行税费代缴。如存在异议,您可以联系平台客服进一步确认。
4.1 爱加健康有义务在现有技术上维护整个网络平台的正常运行,并努力提升和改进技术,使您选择的服务得以顺利进行;
4.2 爱加健康作为医疗与健康互联网服务平台,不对您发布的信息的来源和正确性负责,不参与医患交流,不对医患交流的结果承担任何责任;
4.3 对于您在爱加健康上的不当行为或其它任何爱加健康认为应当终止服务的情况,爱加健康有权随时作出删除相关信息、终止服务提供等处理,而无需征得您的同意;
4.5 因不可抗力(如火灾、水灾、暴动、骚乱、战争、自然灾害等)导致爱加健康的服务中断或者用户数据损坏、丢失等,爱加健康不承担任何责任;
6.1 爱加健康不承诺网络服务一定能满足您的要求,也不承诺网络服务不会中断,对网络服务的及时性、安全性、准确性也都不作承诺。您使用爱加健康服务所存在的风险将完全由您自己承担;因使用爱加健康服务而产生的一切后果也由您自己承担,爱加健康对您不承担任何责任。
6.2 因系统维护或升级的需要而需暂停网络服务,爱加健康将尽可能事先进行通告。爱加健康保留在不事先通知您的情况下随时中断或终止部分或全部网络服务的权利,对于服务的中断或终止而造成您的损失的,爱加健康不承担任何责任。
6.3 任何由于网络问题、黑客攻击、病毒侵入或发作、因政府管制而造成的暂时性关闭等影响网络正常经营的不可抗力而造成的个人资料泄露、丢失、被盗用或被窜改等,爱加健康不负任何责任。
7.1 爱加健康有权根据服务情况变更、终止爱加健康服务协议、管理规定的各项条款,爱加健康可能会通过适当方式向您提示修改内容。
7.2 如果您不同意爱加健康所做的修改,有权停止使用网络服务。如果您继续使用网络服务,则视为您接受爱加健康对服务协议相关条款所做的修改。
8.1 本服务协议的订立、履行和解释及争议的解决均应适用中华人民共和国法律。
8.2 如双方就本服务协议内容或其履行发生任何争议,双方应尽量友好协商解决;协商不成时,任何一方均可向爱加健康经营者所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。
9.1 本协议项下爱加健康对于您所有的通知均可通过APP客户端、网页公告、电子邮件、手机短信或常规的信件传送等方式进行;该通知于发送之日视为已送达给您。
9.2 您对于爱加健康的通知应当通过爱加健康对外正式公布的通信地址、传真号码、电子邮件地址等联系信息进行送达。
10.1 本服务协议和爱加健康客户端中公布的政策、规定、公示等构成您与爱加健康对服务条款之约定事项及其他有关事宜的完整协议,除此之外,未赋予各方其他权利。
10.2 如本服务协议中的任何条款无论因何种原因完全或部分无效或不具有执行力,本协议的其余条款仍应有效并且有约束力。
10.3 本服务协议中的标题仅为方便而设,在解释本条款时应被忽略。
10.4 爱加健康对本服务协议和爱加健康客户端中公布的政策、规定、公示等拥有最终解释权。
Service Agreement
Dear Users:
Welcome to I+Health service.
Before using the service of I+Health, please read this Service Agreement carefully and fully and
be sure to understand the contents of each article, in particular the terms of exemption or limitation
of liability, legal application and dispute settlement provisions. If you are under the age of 18, or
other form of non-full civil capacity, please read this agreement accompanied by a guardian.If you click
on the "I have read and agree to the Service Agreement" button during the registration process, you are
aware of and fully agree with the terms and conditions of the Service Agreement, as well as any changes
that I+Health makes to the Service Agreement at any time, and the policies, regulations, publicity,
etc., published on the APP client.
1.1 I+Health provides user registration. Your account number
and password are in your own custody; You shall be liable for all activities and events carried out in
your account;
1.2 When you register, you must not appear illegal and bad
information in your registration information such as account name, Avatar and introduction, otherwise we
have the right to refuse to provide the service and delete the account;
1.3 If necessary, I+Health reserves the right to verify your
identity in a reasonable manner and to provide the appropriate services only to authenticated users. If
you fail to be authenticated, I+Health has the right to stop the service and delete the information on
authentication page;
2.1 The specific service content of I+Health is provided by
the I+Health operator according to the actual situation, and the I+Health operator reserves the right to
change, interrupt or terminate some or all of the network services at any time;
2.2 The service price, service timeliness, availability and
other information on the I+Health APP client may change at any time, and I+Health does not give special
notice. When you place an order, please carefully confirm the name, price, quantity, description,
precautions and other information of the purchased service;
2.3 The doctor's replies, conclusions on reading films,
diagnostic opinions, health care information, etc., which you obtain in the context of your I+Health, do
not represent the I+Health’s approval of its views or the authenticity and accuracy of the content, and
the above information is for you and your offline clinicians only and cannot be used as a direct basis
for your disease diagnosis and treatment options;
2.4 Due to force majeure, network conditions, communication
lines, users ' own fault and other technical reasons, and other uncontrollable reasons, you can not use
I+Health services, I+Health does not assume legal responsibility.
3.1 After selecting and purchasing the corresponding service
of I+Health, you have the right to permanently own your I+Health username and password, and have the
right to use your username and password at any time to log in to I+Health, and access to related
3.2 You may not transfer or authorize others to use your
I+Health username in any form, nor may you steal another person's account, and the consequences of the
above actions shall be borne by the user;
3.3 You undertake to comply with national laws, regulations
and I+Health regulations, as well as social public interests or public morals, in all acts committed
when you use I+Health. If you violate any of these rules, leading to the occurrence of the corresponding
legal consequences, you will assume all legal liabilities independently in your own name;
3.4 You may not issue issues related to medical disputes or
other issues of liability in the case of health care disputes. For medical disputes, please consult a
lawyer or relevant authorities for assistance. I+Health reserves the right to delete such
3.5 If you find other users have conducted legal violation
or violated the regulations of I+Health, you can request I+Health for response. If you have disputes
with other users over the contents in I+Health, the judicial department may request I+Health to provide
the evidence required for the case in accordance with the legal procedures;
3.6 After you have selected the appropriate service in
I+Health, once the order has been issued and paid successfully, the I+Health service platform will
immediately start processing the ordered task package accordingly, so your behavior cannot be changed
and revoked. Unless the order task package cannot be completed for the reasons of the platform itself,
there is no obligation for I+Health to refund your fee;
3.7 After you confirm your purchase of the service, you are
deemed to have commissioned at least a clinician and an imaging doctor who is familiar with and have
mastered your latest condition to help you provide the required medical records according to the prompts
and you must be highly cooperative and actively seek the help of your doctor. In situations that the
provision of information is not timely, incomplete or can not be supplemented upon request, and all
other reasons unrelated to the I+Health cause the order Task package fail to be completed, you will
independently bear the adverse consequences;
3.8 During your purchase of the service and your use of the
I+Health APP, I+Health only provides a platform and opportunity for you to seek help from doctors or for
doctors to help you. Any disputes between you and your doctor are not related to I+Health.
4.1 When you decide to select and purchase a service, you
should pay the appropriate fee in accordance with the amount specified in the I+Health client. This fee
is collected and paid by I+Health, mainly used to pay for the online medical consultations, image
readings, medical records data uploading, return visits and other related personnel labor costs, and to
bear the cost of network technology development and maintenance. Specific allocation options are
determined by I+Health, and you have no right to ask and intervene.
4.2 I+Health has the obligation to maintain the normal
operation of the entire network platform in the existing technology, and strive to upgrade and improve
the technology, so that the service you choose will carry out smoothly;
4.3 I+Health as a medical and health Internet service
Platform, do not responsible for the source and correctness of the information you post, do not
participate in doctor-patient exchanges, do not assume any responsibility for the results of
doctor-patient exchanges;
4.4 In case of your misconduct in I+Health or any other
situation in which I+Health believes that the service should be terminated, I+Health reserves the right
to delete relevant information at any time, terminate the provision of services, etc., without your
4.5 I+Health is under no obligation to review all user
registration data, all acts of activity and other matters related, but with the right to choose to
retain or delete relevant information or to continue or discontinue the provision of services to given
user, and to pursue leagal actions accordingly in the following cases:
4.5.1 you or other third party
informs I+Health, that a specific user, specific behavior, specific matters may have major problems;
4.5.2 you or any other third party informs I+Health that there are illegal or improper actions on the
network platform, I+Health distinguishes the relevant contents according to the standard of knowledge
level of ordinary non-professional medical personnel which can be clearly considered that these contents
or actions are illegal or improper. 4.6 Due to force majeure (such as fire, floods, riots, riots, wars,
natural disasters, etc.) which results in the interruption of service or the damage or loss of user
data, I+Health will not assume any responsibility.
4.7 In the case of system maintenance or upgrade network
services need to be suspended, I+Health will notify in advance as far as possible. I+Health reserves the
right to interrupt or terminate some or all of its network services at any time without prior notice.
I+Health will not be liable for any loss caused by the interruption or termination of its
5.1 When you use I+Health, you upload non-public medical
records, basic information, health consultation and other text, pictures, data information, as well as
personal data obtained by I+Health through other legal channels. I+Health will not be made public or
provided to third parties. Protecting your privacy is a basic policy of I+Health, except for the
following situations:
5.1.1 You personally authorize I+Health to disclose this
5.1.2 In accordance with the requirements of relevant laws
and regulations;
5.1.3 In order to safeguard the public interest;
5.1.4 For the needs of medical research;
5.2 I+Health may cooperate with third parties to provide
relevant network services to users, in which case, if the third party agrees to assume the same
responsibility for protecting the privacy of the user as in I+Health, I+Health reserves the right to
provide your registration information, etc., to that third party.
5.3 Without disclosing your confidential information,
I+Health has the right to analyze the entire user database and make commercial use of the user database.
5.4 After hiding the name, unit, address and other information I+Health can make public, edit, publish
and distribute the content of consultations between doctors and patients without your authorization. 5.5
For the purpose of serving users, I+Health may provide services to you through the use of your personal
information, including, but not limited to, sending you information about activities and
6.1 I+Health does not promise network services will be able
to meet your requirements, and does not promise that network services will not be interrupted, the
timeliness of network services, security, accuracy are also not promised. The risks associated with your
use of the I+Health service will be entirely at your own expense, and all consequences arising from the
use of the I+Health service are at your own expense, I+Health bears no responsibility to you. 6.2
I+Health will announce the suspension of service due to system maintenance or upgrade in advance.
I+Health will not be responsible for any inconvenience or loss caused by suspension of service due to
line and uncontrollable hardware failure or other force majeure. 6.3 I+Health is not responsible for any
personal data leakage, loss, embezzlement or alteration caused by network problems, hacker attacks,
virus intrusion or outbreak, temporary closure caused by government control and other force majeure that
affects the normal operation of the network.
7.1 I+Health reserves the right to change and terminate the
provisions of the I+Health Service Agreement and Regulations in accordance with the service situation.
I+Health may prompt you with modifed content in an appropriate manner.
7.2 If you do not agree with the changes made by I+Health,
you have the right to stop using our service. If you continue to use our services, you will be deemed to
accept the amendments made by I+Health to the relevant terms of the Service Agreement
8.1 The laws of the People's Republic of China shall apply
to the formation, performance and interpretation of this Service Agreement and the settlement of
8.2 In the event of any dispute between the parties
regarding the content of this Service Agreement or its performance, the parties shall, as far as
possible, settle the negotiations amicably, and either party may bring an action against the People's
Court where the I+Health operator is located.
9.1 Under this Agreement, all notices of I+Health to you can
be made by means of APP client, web announcement, e-mail, mobile phone short message or routine mail
transmission. The notices are deemed to have been delivered to you on the date of delivery.
9.2 Your notification to I+Health should be delivered
through the official communication address, fax number, e-mail address and other contact information
published by I+Health
10.1 This Service Agreement and the policies, regulations
and publicity published in the I+Health Client constitute the complete agreement between you and
I+Health on the terms of service and other related matters. In addition, no other rights are granted to
all parties.
10.2 If any provision of this Service Agreement is, for any
reason, wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall
remain valid and binding.
10.3 The headings in this Service Agreement are for
convenience only and should be ignored in interpreting these terms.
10.4 I+Health has the final right to interpret the policies,
regulations and announcements published in this Service Agreement and in I+Health Client.